A new artist has joined once again, new is not really a proper word to use. She has done 2 songs in the year 2005. That was at the age of 10. Her phenomenal singing has gotten her far ahead, especially in school. She has auditioned for quite a lot of stage plays, movies, and commercials. Her first movie was at the age of 4, a role of a small girl, whose parents are divorced due to the fact that her mom left her dad and her. She is off to live with her dad. She did a super job at it. It was a movie by Mr. Jayasekara Aponso, done in Toronto. The movie is called Daath. She has participated in a lot of shows. Born and raised in Toronto,CA, she has no trouble in speaking her mother language, which we should be proud that she can even sing. Her first actual single will be out next year.