NOWDAYS , advertisement plays very important role for the success of any product in the society,without it no product can survive in the society . Many different ways and technique have been develop in the advertisement field because it is very import for the manufacture to represent the product properly to the consumer so that he will be attracted towards it. Many times it is impossible to know the co lour , physical appearance , shape correctly due to which product doesn't get good response .
There is a technology which has been develop in this field which is known as 3D HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY TECHNOLOGY which really helps in advertising the product in the positive way .it is used to display product in the attractive, innovative way which is useful to give positive impact of consumer on us.
In the DISPLAY CASE product is advertise in such a way that it looks real , because of 3d technique helps consumer to understand the product in the better way.
It is very easy to use and very compatible to carry . It can be use in various field like in hospital to display information , in industry to display any product briefly .
HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY provide the picture in such a way that is looks exactly real to public . The product on this PIXELO 3D HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAY floats .
This holographic display is in PYRAMID shape which help the public to see the product in different angle with same appreance, so that person can see the product from any direction .
RIVOX TECHNOLOGY is the manufacture of PEXELO HOLOGRAPHIC 3D DISPLAY .it has its office in ahmedabad india .it has been one of the leading supplier and manufacture of the PIXELO HOLOGRAPHIC3D DISPLAY in gujarat . It sells this display worldwide and provide this product on rent too.