From our CEO & Founder, Louise Weadock:
17% of our children aged 2-12 are diagnosed with some type of Sensory Processing Disorder – these behaviors and symptoms unpredictably manifest themselves when the patient is in a vulnerable state, being physically, emotionally challenged (occurs most often in a (sub)acute care setting – such as Hospital, Rehab Center, SNF. Most vulnerable populations AGES 0-12 and 70+yo.
Multi-Sensory Care may influence the rehabilitative process for Patients with a secondary diagnosis of
1. Alzheimers, Dementia
2. Falls Risk
3. Delirium, Psychosis
4. Suicidal
5. ADD, ADHD, SPD, ASD,: Neuropathy
Any caregiver who wants to “make a difference,” should watch Maria Rickert Hong’s webinar. Read More…
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