Celebrity Blog Hog 24/7
The best day-to-day scandals, rumors, news, dirt, pics and gossip, from the celebrities we all hate to love and love to hate. From dirty politicians to scandalous actors. The latest on who got busted
(Last Modified: Sat 26/Apr/2008)
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Phantoms and Monsters
Close encounters, conspiracies, paranormal, cryptid, alternative, unusual and extraterrestrial events.
(Last Modified: Sat 26/Apr/2008)
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Steve Chandler iMindShift Blog
Knock your mental limitations to the stars with Steve Chandler's iMindShift blog -Your success is just a MindShift away!
(Last Modified: Thu 22/May/2008)
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Funeralideas - your funeral planning resource for alternative burial and creative funerals and memorials.
(Last Modified: Sun 25/May/2008)
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Outdoor Camping Survival
Outdoor Camping Survival - Your Survival Guide To Outdoor Camping.
(Last Modified: Fri 30/May/2008)
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Fuel Economy
Fuel economy is rapidly becoming a serious need for all of us. As gas prices soar we are quickly realizing that our money doesn't stretch as much as it used to. Being economical is imperative at the m
(Last Modified: Mon 23/Jun/2008)
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Beyond 50 Radio: America's Talk Show for Baby Boomers
Beyond 50 Radio is America's Talk Show for Baby Boomers. It can be heard as a weekly and educational, online radio program. Hosted by Daniel Davis since 2004, he has interviewed hundreds of best-selli
(Last Modified: Sat 05/Jul/2008)
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The Good Food Angel
The Good Food Angel takes you on a magical mystery tour, exploring EVERYTHING through the prism of food....because food is about so much more than just food...it is the storybook of the world!
(Last Modified: Sun 20/Jul/2008)
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Harmony at home =Success
Success and happiness versus questionable success and happiness: That's the topic of this article. In which category do you fall? Do you know?
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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Miraculous Mindset
A miraculous mindset is not about being happy. It's not about being 'positive'. It's not about Pollyanna positioning. It is what sets you apart from the rest of the herd. It can create unheard of oppo
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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Healing through meditation
One of the best ways to relax and heal your mind, body and soul is through meditation. Meditation is one of the most popular alternative therapies which had its roots in India, but is now practiced al
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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What stops you from becoming a Genius
There are people who just seem to have so much talent, skill or knowledge - we call them geniuses. We automatically think ourselves different from them, just as "ordinary people."
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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The Power of the Mind
A lot of issues pertaining to the brain's ability to affect an individual's health has been tackled by scientists, psychologists and researchers. In fact, a study by a neurosurgeon named Dr. Kevin Tra
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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The law of attraction explained
The most basic premise behind the law of attraction is that like attracts like. It is the same way that a magnet's opposite poles attract. But while opposites attract in the case of magnet poles, like
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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cultivating your inner genius
All of us have the potential to be geniuses, but either we don't know how or don't know it is actually possible. Cultivating your inner genius is not really that complicated, but it does require time
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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"Enlightenment" Your 7 days program to Positive Thinking
It's always best to set up a personal goal where you can accomplish the most in record time, maybe like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on TV
(Last Modified: Tue 29/Jul/2008)
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