Innocently using the internet in 2005 to succesfully promote enormous 5000+ people Christian concerts -in only 30 days -Jomar stumbled upon the formula that works to promote anything online. He has since used this knowledge to share to fellow pinoys in a live workshop in Manila, the Philippines and an online membership club. Fully endorsed by best selling authors Bo Sanchez and Larry Gamboa, Jomar has carved out a niche in dominating the internet for any business he consults with.
This is an alternative look at Internet Marketing from the eyes of an Asian Concert Promoter. Completely giving no hype, the Filipino Internet Marketing Workshop Resource Speaker shares about how to use the dizzying number of Web 2.0 resources to your own benefit. Step by step with explanations. Jomar gives a three month free email course on how to use blogging for newbies or beginners then offers a membership club or membership site that teaches selling on the internet for events, real estate, ebooks and other businesses. Sometimes witty, full of stories and full of practical proven ways to earn money online.