Peters Blog
Peters Blog is all about me, a guy from Edinburgh, Scotland. I plan on posting about my life, random thoughts and anything else that pops into my head.
(Last Modified: Sun 05/Feb/2006)
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Pachauri Blog
A blog run by pachauri family in India.
(Last Modified: Fri 01/Dec/2006)
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Berlindog Blog
random thoughts & observations of a genealogy researcher
(Last Modified: Tue 09/May/2006)
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Dirty Little Secret
I'm a stay-at-home mom, trying to be a work-at-home mom - which mostly means I have a really messy house.
(Last Modified: Mon 17/Sep/2007)
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VICTIMIZED - Male Rights(?):
This site was created in the hope of eliminating spousal abuse of all kinds. especially abuse of males by females be they girlfriends or wives.
(Last Modified: Tue 26/Sep/2006)
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Todd Lavergne's Baby Shower Tips
Great ideas and information to plan your perfect baby shower. Practical advice for your baby shower.
(Last Modified: Wed 23/Jan/2008)
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Adoption Info Tips and Help
Information, news and help on adoption, including adopting children and pets.
(Last Modified: Wed 21/Feb/2007)
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Baby Strollers
This blog is all about baby strollers and baby accessories.
(Last Modified: Fri 02/Mar/2007)
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Child Modeling: Baby Modeling Resources
How to become a child model : baby and child modeling, child modeling portfolios,
baby modeling, child modeling , child modeling websites, safety issues with child modeling,child
actors portfolio
(Last Modified: Sat 03/Mar/2007)
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Sharing Personal Protection, Safety, and Personal Defense education and information to keep ourselves and each other safe in a "not-so-safe" world.
(Last Modified: Mon 16/Apr/2007)
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Birth of a Mother
A mother's musings on her journey through the landscape of motherhood.
(Last Modified: Thu 19/Apr/2007)
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Baby Boos
Life and Times of Little Baby Wayne
(Last Modified: Mon 23/Apr/2007)
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One Step Forward 2 Steps Back
A blog about raising three girls were all born premature, one of which has ataxic cerebral palsy.
(Last Modified: Tue 03/Jul/2007)
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Renewed Soul
written by a SAHM regarding experiences on parenting, motherhood, raising children and women's issues which includes opinions on current events and views about the facts of life.
(Last Modified: Mon 16/Jul/2007)
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